United Way offers training for volunteers in case of emergency

news release

In collaboration with the Indian River County Emergency Management Division, United Way of Indian River County is taking proactive steps to ensure the community’s readiness in the face of potential disasters, particularly hurricanes. As the liaison connecting volunteers to individuals requiring assistance with post disaster cleanup efforts in Indian River County, United Way’s Volunteer Reception Center (VRC) is primed to play a crucial role. 

Sydney Mihailoff and Nate Bruckner discuss locations on the map at mock Volunteer Reception Center Training

The VRC, operated in conjunction with the Indian River County Emergency Management Division, is strategically set up and staffed to intake and match volunteer skills with unmet needs in the community during times of crisis.

Roles at the reception center span various functions, including registration, volunteer intake and interviewing, data collection and entry, safety training, runners, greeters, and phone bank operators. There is a role suited for anyone willing to become certified and assist at the Volunteer Reception Center during emergencies. 

“In the aftermath of a disaster, the needs of our community can vary widely,” stated Meredith Egan, Chief Executive Officer at United Way of Indian River County. “From distributing emergency supplies to assisting with cleanup efforts, our volunteers play a critical role in ensuring a swift and effective response.”

To bolster preparedness, United Way requires VRC volunteers to attend a 1-day certification training session provided by Volunteer Florida. This year’s training will be held on July 29th at the United Way Center from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Register to attend at UnitedWayIRC.org. Registration deadline is July 15, 2024. Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older to attend.

For more information, please contact Amanda Morgan, Community Impact Coordinator, at (772) 567-8900, or Amanda.Morgan@UnitedWayIRC.org

About United Way of Indian River County

United Way of Indian River County (UWIRC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every community member. United Way works with local programs to provide resources to individuals and families in crisis today, while working year-round to improve community conditions and create lasting solutions. We are effectively building a strong foundation and improving lives by mobilizing the caring power of our community. For more information about your local United Way, please call (772) 567-8900 or visit our website, UnitedWayIRC.org.  

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